Indeks: PayU15

Marka: Page Master

PayU Moduł dla Prestashop 1.5

Recenzje: 17
Moduł płatności PayU dla PrestaShop 1.5.x Moduł bezpiecznych płatności PayU dla sklepu PrestaShop w wersjach od 1.5 do Dla wersji Prestashop 1.5,, 1.5.5, 1.5.6,,,
0,00 zł
PrestaShop 1.5

Indeks: Aktprs

Marka: Page Master

Aktualizacja PrestaShop

Recenzje: 33
Szybka i bezpieczna aktualizacja sklepu internetowego PrestaShop do najnowsej wersji lub . Aktualizacja z wersji 1.1.x, 1.2.x, 1.3.x 1.4.x 1.5.xx i 1.6 do najwyższej. Wszystkie wersje językowe sklepu. Tutaj aktualizacja do wersji 1.7.xx
240,00 zł
PrestaShop 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
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    Exploit Prestashop fałszywa płatność paypal
    • Exploit Prestashop fałszywa płatność paypal

    Exploit Prestashop fake paypal payment

    Page Master

    If your store has been attacked by an exploit that replaces payment methods with fake PayPal - this service is for you.

    Pay with debit or credit card

    We don`t share your financial details with the merchant.

    Applies to Prestashop stores version 1.6 and 1.7

    380,00 zł
    1 dzień
    W magazynie


    Polityka prywatności


    Ceny w sklepie płatności


    Regulamin sklepu


    If your online store has been affected by an exploit using a fake PayPal form - this service is for you.

    Applies to Prestashop stores version 1.6 and 1.7

    Pay with debit or credit card

    We don`t share your financial details with the merchant.

    There is an exploit on the web that targets Prestashop online stores. In short, the attack consists in the fact that the customer, making a purchase in the store, sees a prepared PayPal method instead of real payment methods. A form for entering credit/debit card details is displayed. The form is obviously fake - the customer, by providing card details, does not actually make a payment in the store, but only gives the card details to the hacker.

    The problem is even more dangerous because the loss of card details is the responsibility of the store administrator, as the form is displayed on the store page.

    The customer of the store actually thinks that he is making a payment in the store, but he physically fills out the form crafted by the hacker.

    The card details provided by the customer can later be used by the hacker to pay with his card.

    What is the service:

    - We clean the code from infected entries (eliminate exploit entries)

    - We check 100% of the store's files

    - We secure the store against attacks of this type

    - We restore physical (real files from the attack)

    After the service is performed, only the actual payment methods enabled in the store work as before the attack.

    After the service is performed, the store does not lose any data - it is only virus-cleaned and works as before the infection.

    Szczegóły produktu


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    Exploit Prestashop fake paypal payment

    Exploit Prestashop fake paypal payment

    If your store has been attacked by an exploit that replaces payment methods with fake PayPal - this service is for you.

    Pay with debit or credit card

    We don`t share your financial details with the merchant.

    Applies to Prestashop stores version 1.6 and 1.7

    Napisz swoją opinię
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